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الثلاثاء، ٢٨ ديسمبر ٢٠١٠

صدور نسخة جديدة GNS3-0.7.3

بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام علي رسول الله وآله وصحبه وإخوانه أجمعين

بعد المشاكل التي واجهناها في نسخة 0.7.2 والبطئ الشديد في اللابات بل في النهاية تلف اللاب، صدرت النسخة الجديدة من الـGNS3 وهي نسخة 0.7.3، والتي أسأل الله عز وجل أن تكون أفضل من سابقتها، عامة أفضل نسخة إلي الآن ونسخة مستقرة جداً هي نسخة 0.7.1، وياريت الإخوة تشاركنا بأهم ملاحظاتهم علي هذه النسخة الجديدة



بسم الله

أهم التغييرات في النسخة الجديدة

Easily change the symbol of one or several nodes (Select a node, then right click -> Change symbol).
A docked window to see on what device interface captures are running (View -> Docks -> Captures). You can stop capturing or start Wireshark using this view.
Only the necessary files (nvram, flash, disks etc.) are copied or kept when creating projects and snapshots.
Preventing unsaved interface labels to show up after loading a topology. This can be reset using the "show interface labels" button.
Improvements for ATM and Frame Relay switches: proper naming, dynamic mapping support and it is not needed to remove a link to change its DLCI/VC mapping.
PCAP capture support for Qemu based devices (Qemu host, JunOS ASA, PIX, IDS). This option cannot be used after the selected device is started.
Fixed many issues with the snapshot feature. Now it should work as expected.
New node type: EtherSwitch router. This is a c3700 router with a Etherswitch NM-16ESW loaded.
Better consistency between buttons and menus. Many items have been renamed, toolbar buttons accessible from the menu etc. (thanks to rednectar).
Possibility to configure the AUX port. Only works for c7200 routers (Preferences -> Dynamips -> Base AUX port).
Changed standard naming convention for project and snapshots. Topology file is named topology.net, working directory: working and configurations directory: configs.
Duplicate option for annotations, ellipses and rectangles (Select an item, right click -> Duplicate).
Horizontal + vertical alignment options (Select nodes, right click -> Align horizontally/vertically).
Possibility to have multiple images for Qemu hosts, JunOS, PIX, ASA and IDS and to configure the number of interfaces on each devices.
Autosave feature to save your topology every x secondes (Preferences -> General).
A default base config (with hostname, exec-timeout commands etc.) is automatically loaded when creating a new IOS based router. The path to this default config can be changed in "IOS images and hypervisors" dialog.
A more understandable MAC address table for Ethernet switches (right click on a switch -> Show MAC address table).
Qemuwrapper improvements like cleaning old FLASH/SWAP files when creating a new device with a same hostname.
Multi Qemu based devices topologies now work using base images on Windows. Patched in Qemu 0.11.0 binary included in the all-in-one package (thanks tranzitwww!!!).
Support for unbasing Qemu images when creating or saving as a project. This means no dependencies with your base images thus you can easily distribute your project.
Option to replace unknown references (GUID: \device\npf_{802b5272-cd1b-431c-8cb5-f57ba76145c6}) to network interfaces on Windows when loading a NET file.
Option to replace unknown IOS image when loading a NET file.
Scroll the scene with the mouse middle click or right and left clicks at the same time (thanks to SpookyCW). This behavior is to be changed in a future release.
Possibility to specify a directory where GNS3 settings file (gns3.ini) is located with the parameter --config-dir on the command line.
Romanian translation (thanks to tranzitwww).
Double click on a running node opens a console.
Reload all devices button.
French and Italian translation updates

ولا تنسوني والمسلمين من صالح الدعاء
وصلي الله وسلم وبارك علي المصطفي وآله وصحبه وإخوانه أجمعين