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الاثنين، ٤ فبراير ٢٠١٣

Cisco IP Communicator MAC Address Changes Frequently!!!

بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام علي رسول الله وآله وصحبه وإخوانه وسلم

Cisco IP Communicator MAC Address Changes Frequently!!!

Cisco IP communicator will use the local network interface card MAC address as it's source MAC address to communicate in the local LAN. For example:

SEP stands for Selsius Ethernet Phone. Selsius was the name of the company Cisco acquired when they first began manufacturing VoIP technology, and the rest of the line is the MAC address.

In some cases you may encounter that the MAC address of the IP communicator changes frequently, causing the IP communicator to be unable to register. The issue is when you use the NIC card (physically plugged in) locally on the uc500 vs. the wireless NIC card (when you use the wireless to get internet)  vs. the VPN client (when you use either with a VPN client) you can get different MAC addresses assigned for each. 
To solve This problem use the "use this device name" and add a FAKE MAC address.  Then it will never change. Use the format SEP(MAC ADDRESS) (Example: SEP002215260FD4) under the ipcommunicator settings.


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