بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام علي رسول الله وآله وصحبه وإخوانه وسلم
I was trying to add some computers to the computers subOU in the Accounting department OU. I used the script posted in a previous post:
but i have faced the following erro:
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>dsadd computer "cn=PC-ACCOUNTING-08,ou=Computers,
ou=Accounting,dc=ibnsina, dc=local"
dsadd failed:cn=PC-ACCOUNTING-08,ou=Computers,ou=Accounting,dc=ibnsina,dc=local:
The specified account already exists.:This may be caused by allowing dsadd to au
to-generate the downlevel computer name. Try specifying the -samid switch with a value.
ou=Accounting,dc=ibnsina, dc=local"
dsadd failed:cn=PC-ACCOUNTING-08,ou=Computers,ou=Accounting,dc=ibnsina,dc=local:
The specified account already exists.:This may be caused by allowing dsadd to au
to-generate the downlevel computer name. Try specifying the -samid switch with a value.
as the error message states, we need to add the -smid parameter to the command. so i have updated my script to add the -smid paramter. the samid could be the same as the comuter name "cn". you cand consdier it as the login name of the computer to the domain.
you can download the new script from this link:
I hope that has been informative to you.
ولا تنسوني و المسلمين من صالح الدعاء
وصلي الله وسلم وبارك علي النبي وآله وصحبه وإخوانه وسلم