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ipv6 PBR GNS3 Lab

بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام علي رسول الله وآله وصحبه وإخوانه وسلم

ipv6 PBR GNS3 Lab

!  Enable IPv6 Routing      
ipv6 unicast-routing
interface Loopback0
 no ip address
 ipv6 address 104::1/64
! IPv6 Defualt Route Pointing To R2 
ipv6 route ::/0 24:24::2
! Defining Killer PBR on F1/0        
interface FastEthernet1/0
  ipv6 address 24:24::2/64
 ipv6 policy route-map Killer
!  Static Route To 104::/64 & redistribute it into RIPng     
ipv6 route 104::/64 24:24::4
ipv6 router rip 25JAN
 redistribute static
!  Defining the route-map to set the next hop of 104::/64 to go to R1           
route-map Killer permit 10
 match ipv6 address Guard
 set ipv6 next-hop 14:14::1
! Defining the Guard access-list to allow 104::/64       
ipv6 access-list Guard
 permit ipv6 104::/64 any

R4#ping 200:100::1 source 104::1 repeat 1
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 1, 100-byte ICMP Echos to 200:100::1, timeout is 2 seconds:
Packet sent with a source address of 104::1
Success rate is 100 percent (1/1), round-trip min/avg/max = 304/304/304 ms
R2#debug ipv6 policy
IPv6 policy-based routing debugging is on
*Mar  1 01:03:26.267: IPv6 PBR: FastEthernet1/0, matched src 104::1 dst 200:100::1 protocol 58
*Mar  1 01:03:26.271: IPv6 PBR: set nexthop 14:14::1, interface Serial0/1
*Mar  1 01:03:26.271: IPv6 PBR: policy route via Serial0/1/14:14::1

R2#show route-map
route-map Killer, permit, sequence 10
  Match clauses:
     ipv6 address Guard
  Set clauses:
     ipv6 next-hop 14:14::1
  Policy routing matches: 1 packets, 100 bytes
R2#sho ipv6 access-list Gurad
R2#sho access-list
IPv6 access list Guard
    permit ipv6 104::/64 any (1 match) sequence 10

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