بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام علي رسول الله وآله وصحبه وإخوانه وسلم
Class Of Restriction (COR) Lab Using GNS3
- First Keep in mind the following:
Each dial-peer or
phone-dn can have one incoming COR list and one outgoing COR list:
- Incoming COR list
means: the dial-peer or the
phone can initiate calls or not.
- outgoing COR list
means: who can call this
dial-peer or phone or not.
- If no incoming COR list:
this means that the dial-peer or the phone can call any one. Regardless of the
outgoing COR setting on the phone called
- if no outgoing COR
list: this means that anyone can call this dial-peer or phone regardless if the
phone calling has an incoming COR set or not.
- If the incoming COR
list is a superset or equal to the outgoing COR list this means that the
call will succeed.
- If the incoming COR list is not a superset or equal to the
outgoing COR list this means that the call will fail.
- When you begin configuration first you need to configure the outgoing
- To deny a call when you configure the outgoing COR make sure that it
is a superset of the incoming COR.
Now it is Lab time:
- The Manager can call the Employee but the Employee can not. Also the Employee should call any other dial-peer.
dial-peer cor custom
name employee
name manager
dial-peer cor list Manager
member manager
dial-peer cor list Employee
member employee
ephone-dn 1
cor outgoing Manager
ephone-dn 2
cor incoming Employee
name employee
name manager
dial-peer cor list Manager
member manager
dial-peer cor list Employee
member employee
ephone-dn 1
cor outgoing Manager
ephone-dn 2
cor incoming Employee
- Results:
ولا تنسوني و المسلمين من صالح الدعاء
وصلي الله وسلم وبارك علي النبي وآله وصحبه وإخوانه وسلم