بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام علي رسول الله وآله وصحبه وإخوانه وسلم
How To Reserve An IP Address In CISCO DHCP Server
if you wanna reserve an ip address for a certain client, for example a server in CISCO DHCP server follow these steps:
1- first you need to make a DHCP pool for this client alone.
2- find the mac address of the client "for example use (ipconfig / all) for windows and (ifconfig) for Linux" at the client, or you can use network scanners to find this information.
3- add 01 to the beginning of the mac address you got, for example:
if the mac address is 502c.e40e.fabf add 01 to the beginning of the mac to be 0150.2ce4.0efa.bf.
01 indicates that it is an Ethernet client.
4- you can add optional features like the client name.
5- specify the lease period to be infinite.
ip dhcp pool amnetwrok
client-identifier 0150.2ce4.0efa.bf
client-name AM-Client
lease infinite
client-identifier 0150.2ce4.0efa.bf
client-name AM-Client
lease infinite
Best Regards
Ahmed Mustafa
وصلي الله وسلم وبارك علي النبي وآله وصحبه وإخوانه وسلم