بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام علي رسول الله وآله وصحبه وإخوانه وسلم
Cisco USB Console Port
Due to the high prices of the USB To Serial cable converter used to connect to the console cable of CISCO devices, CISCO has recently added a new USB console port to it's products, that uses a cheap USB cable, that also widely used with other devices, for example external USB hard disk. also the traditional 45rj console port still available to provide compaitability with legacy PCs or to be used with the USB To Serial cable converters.
Traditional USB To Serial cable converter
Both console ports in Cisco devices "blue bordered"
USB Cable Used With The USB Console Port
This USB console cable needs a driver to be installed to be usable with Cisco devices. you can download this driver for windows (32&64&2k), Linux ,and Mac OS from the following link:
Also this is a short video showing how to configure this cable on windows:
High Quality Download
or you can watch it directly from youtube:
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